Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Colour Therapy

We often use colours to describe our moods and emotions. But according to practitioners of colour therapy, the link between colours and our moods and emotions goes deeper than that. They believe that not only do colours affect our emotions, but they have healing properties too. Every colour in the light spectrum vibrates at a different frequency. The faster the vibration, the warmer the colour and the slower the vibration, the cooler the colour. For instance, red is a warm colour, while blue is cool. Colour therapy should only be performed by experts who know what colour or mixture of colours is required for the cure of an illness. There are no standard rules. Colours that work for one person need not necessarily be as effective for another person. Additionally, it is believed that overexposure to certain colours can lead to side effects.

What is Your Birth Day Colours:

December 23rd - January 1st: Red
January 2nd - January 11th: Orange
January 12th - January 24th: Yellow
January 25th - February 3rd: Pink
February 4th - February 8th: Blue
February 9th - February 18th: Green
February 19th - February 28th: Brown
March 1st - Match 10th: Aqua
March 11th - March 20th: Lime
March 21st: Black
March 22nd - March 31st: Purple
April 1st - April 10th: Navy
April 11th - April 20th: Silver
April 21st - April 30th: White
May 1st - May 14th: Blue
May 15th - May 24th: Gold
May 25th - June 3rd: Cream
June 4th - June13th: Gray
June 14th - June 23rd: Maroon
June 24th: Gray
June 25th - July 4th: Red
July 5th - July 14th: Orange
July 15th - July 25th: Yellow
July 26th - August 4th: Pink
August 5th - August 13th: Blue
August 14th - August 23rd: Green
August 24th - September 2nd: Brown
September 3rd - September 12th: Aqua
September 13th - September 22nd: Lime
September 23rd: Olive
September 24th - October 3rd: Purple
October 4th - October 13th: Nave
October 14th - October 23rd: Silver
October 24th - November 11th: White
November 12th - November 21st: Gold
November 22nd - December 1st: Cream
December 2nd - December 11th: Gray
December 12th - December 21st: Maroon
December 22nd: Teal

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